adequate adj. 1.适当的;足够的,充分的。 2.恰当,胜任的。 3.尚可的,差强人意的。 give only an adequate performance 演出仅差强人意。 adequate for 适合;足够。 adequate to (one's needs) 敷(用),够(用)。 adequate to (one's post) 胜(任)。 The supply is not adequate to the demand. 供不应求。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
Adequate communication skills to cooperate with r & d project team , documentation team and field personnel 具备充分的沟通技能与研发部项目团队、文档团队及现场人员合作。
And before consensus can be reached , there must be adequate communication , timely consultation , and a high degree of transparency 要取得大学各成员的普遍认同,便要加强沟通、及早谘询和提高透明度。
He was convinced that the success of china s economic reforms would hinge on adequate communications , power supply and transportation 他深信中国经济改革的成败系于通讯系统、能源供应和运输系统。
This supervisor must be on - site at all times during work and will be responsible for ensuring that adequate communication and translation is in place to safely perform work on the project 在施工期间,此监督员必须一直留在现场,并负责确保对项目安全施工给予充分的交流与解释。
Standards for neurological classification of spinal cord injury patients suggested by american spinal injury association ( 1983 ) provides adequate communication between clinicians and researchers working with spinal cord injury patients 摘要简介由美国脊髓损伤学会建议使用的脊髓损伤患者神经学分类标准。